Study Abroad In Europe


  Apply Online for a Study Abroad Program

Before enrolling keep in mind the following:

Applicants are expected to meet the following criteria
1. For US/Canadian students a required minimum GPA of 2.75   Check your GPA
2. English Fluency
3. High School Diploma or equivalent

Applications Steps:
Step 1: Chose your university and program

Step 2: Student Information

Step 3: Permanent Address

Step 4: Submit

You will receive detailed e-mail with explanation and instruction how to continue with the enrollment process. You will receive an application form that  you have to print, complete and fax or send back to our office with the following documents: Official transcript, or CV, or statement of prior experience (if applying for intermediate or advanced levels only). 

You may start filling this form now.

ATTENTION: Dear Study Abroad Candidates, due to the busy time of the year for enrollment we are experiencing difficulties with our online application. If your online application did not go through contact us at to request paper application. On the subject line writhe the name of the program and when would you like to attend it. We will do our best to get back to you in 24 hours.

  Choose university and program

   Student information


   Permanent address To which we will send all correspondence & Contact Information

I've read and accept the Terms & Conditions
  Email a study abroad adviser