Study Abroad In Europe


  Study Abroad Programs

  Prague, Check Republic

European Center for Career Education -ECCEDU

ECCEDU is one of the most important institutions in the Czech Republic providing global summer school programs with internships. We have over 350 partners and many other companies who support us.

Our programs are focused on Law, International Business and Architecture and Design. Each of the summer program consists of three weeks of intensive practical lectures and four weeks of internship in one of the 350 international partner companies based in various European countries. 

ECCEDU was established to provide a long-term solution to the overly theoretical tendencies of university education and career consulting. We bridge the gap between our students' academic knowledge and real-life experience, building upon the theoretical foothold universities provide. We believe that the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills is an essential prerequisite for professional success. 

In 2019, we received over 650 applications from 50 countries around the world and welcomed about 200 students to spend a beautiful and meaningful summer in Prague.

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  Prague, Czech Republic

University of New York in Prague

University on New York in Prague is the largest and most prominent English-language higher education institution in the Czech Republic. Over 800 students from over 60 countries form a lively educational community with an international group of instructors. Our faculty currently numbers 125 teaching staff (the majority of whom are native English speakers) from over 25 countries. UNYP is proud of its accomplishments and its ability to blend the rich academic history of the Czech Republic with the best traditions of American and European higher education. Our team of educators and professionals at UNYP are looking forward to a bright future of continual development and success over the years to come.


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